Sunday, March 22, 2015

Figure Review: Play Arts Kai Batman Armored

Hey guys, this will be my first blog post for Geek Arcadia. I'm going to review one of my most recent figure hauls, the Armored Batman figure from Play Arts Kai ("Batman Armored" based on the packaging).

Batman Armored packaging (it's as heavy as it looks!)
Figure description: "The agility of Batman with the durability of an impenetrable castle; despite its heavy armor, these characteristics are realized through a wide range of motion, fitting a figure distinctive of the Variant series. The worn gloss and weathering effects on the armor speaks to its history. This armored Batman comes fully equipped with a variety of accessories, including a gun-shaped multi-device that can serve various functions depending on how it is rearranged, as well as a detachable stun stick. The Batsuit and cape are distressed with faded colors, showcasing a realistic rendition of the dark hero."

One wicked Bat insignia
First of all, I just would like to say that I'm quite happy to have this figure, considering that this is actually my very first Batman figure ever (when it comes to comic book heroes, I've always been more on the Marvel side than DC, which is why acquiring the figures of some of DC's most prominent characters hasn't really been a priority).

Armored Bats in the clamshell
The figure has got some nice details on it (a trademark of Play Arts), with good articulation, as well as an outstanding sculpt for representing the Dark Knight. Some sources refer to this as the "Kurogane" or "Black Steel" armor - which sounds kinda dope!

Armored Bats out of the box (pure awesomeness!)
For the figure's accessories, Armored Bats sports some arsenal: a combining gun/rifle (an equipment reminiscent of the one he used in "The Dark Knight Rises"), a little grenade, a mini-sized Batarang (seriously, they could've made it bigger!), as well as a blade/knife. He's also got two sets of extra hands: one opened, and the other positioned to hold his accessories.

Common among Play Arts figures, the package also comes with a display stand. Personally, I think the stand is way too bulky and completely unnecessary, and to think that Armored Bats can stand pretty well on his own.

The obligatory, bulky and unnecessary display stand
Like all the Play Arts figures, Armored Bats' got plenty of articulation. Head, torso, arms, waist, legs - every part's got something to show. Personally, I really don't explore much of my Play Arts figures' articulations; once I get them into a good, bad-ass pose, then that's pretty much it!

Some cool poses!
The armor itself is excellently detailed. From the mask, bat symbol, gauntlets, cape, down to the boots, Play Arts did a great job in making an "impenetrable castle" (as the package description says) out of the Bat.

Neat upper body armor
Joker: "Impenetrable Castle, eh, Batsy?"; Armored Bats: "Wanna bet?"
Steel toes
One thing that I would like to highlight is the coolness of Batman's wrist bracers (or gauntlets). They sport some large, cool-looking spikes that will certainly intimidate any foe planning to take down the Bat. As these features stand out in the figure, I'd like to call them the "Godzilla Bracers" (the spikes resemble Godzilla's back spikes).

Them "Godzilla" Bracers!
Armored Bats can also store his big "boomstick" under his cape. There's actually a holder situated in his back that can hold the two disassembled pieces of the gun. It's pretty dope since it can somehow hide the pieces quite well behind the cape.

There's something under that cape...
Additionally, Armored Bats carries a small sheath/scabbard on his lower right leg where the knife/blade can be stored. It can also be rotated to some extent.

He's not satisfied with his huge boomstick, so...
Final thoughts: When I first saw the promo pics of the Armored Bats, I wasn't really stoked with the figure - I thought his legs were too small for his body, and that his cape was quite bulky and totally inappropriate. However, with the help of a nice Youtube review, I ultimately decided to add it to my growing collection of PAK figures. Definitely an awesome Batman figure, no doubt about it!

...with his blue-eyed "skinny" chick
What do you guys think? Is this the coolest Batman armor you've seen yet? Sound off in the comments below.

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